Monday – Glutes & Hamstrings
- Reverse Hack Squat 3×15
- Good Mornings (Light weight) 3×20
- Sumo Squats 3×15
- Lying Leg Curl (Single Leg) 3×10 each leg
- Glute Cable Kick Back & Side Kick 3×10 each side
- Walking Weighted Lunges 3×20
- Barbell Glute Bridges 3×10
- Abductor (Sitting on edge) 3×20
- Stepper 20 Min
Tuesday – Shoulders
- Shoulder Press 4×12
- Face Pulls 3×20
- Dumbbell Seated Side Lateral Raise 4×12
- Rope Push Down 4×12
- Kettle Bell Swings 4×12
- Cable Rear Delt Fly 3×10
- Seated Fly’s 1×100
Wednesday – Back & Biceps
- Lat Pulldowns 4×12
- Bent Over Rows 4×12
- Barbell Curls 3×10
- Dumbbell Curls 3×10
- Bent Over Two Arm Long Bar Row to failure
Thursday – Legs
- Calf Press using the Leg Press Machine 3×20
- Smith Machine Pistol Squats 3×10 (each leg)
- Lying Leg Curls with Dumbbell 3×12
- Standing Calve Raises 3×10
- Seated Leg Extensions 4×15
- Dumbbell Sumo Squats 3×12
- Barbell Glute Bridges 3×10
- Stair Master 20 Min
Friday – Abs & Cardio
- Cable Crunches 3×15
- Lying Leg Raises To Failure
- Cable Reverse Crunches 3×10
- Stair Master 30 Min
Saturday – Shoulders
- Shoulder Press 4×12
- Face Pulls 3×20
- Dumbbell Seated Side Lateral Raise 4×12
- Rope Push Down 4×12
- Cable Rear Delt Fly 3×10
- Seated Military Press 3×15
- Seated Rear Delt Fly’s 1×100
Sunday – Rest
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